Well exams for first semester are finally over, thank god. Second semester starts tomorrow because they only gave us one day off to relax. It shouldn't be all that bad though, my classes are not bad: parenting, math, introduction to anthropology, psychology, and sociology, and biology. I'm pretty psyched for my third period class because it's an independant learning course that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to get at my high school. I didn't really want to take parenting, but there was nothing else available for first period that I wanted so I thought it would just be an easy credit. My mom is the teacher for biology so I'm not sure how that will go, I've never been taught by her so far. It'll probably be fine.
Anyways, I don't think I have anything else to say for now. Bye!
Listening to: Collect Call -Metric
Currently reading: The Secret of Dragonhome by John Peel (for the 4th time)
I love that song.