
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Guess Who's Back

     So, haven't been on here in a while.... my apologies. I'd like to say I have some excuse for my disappearance, but other than me being lazy I have nothing. I don't really have all that much to talk about. Exams are coming up and I have 4 fairly difficult classes to study for so that'll keep me busy for most of next week.
     I think I've developed a new addiction to horror/thriller movies because over the past 3 months I've watched.... a lot. I'm not quite sure where this came from, most of the time I hate horror movies because they scare me and gross me out. Maybe I desensitized myself to them... or something.
     On a completely different note the weather here has been pretty freezing cold. Theres at least a couple feet of snow on the ground and temperatures around -30 degrees celcius or colder. I like it mostly because it means my parents can't complain to me about not being outside. And I sounded like such a hermit there didn't I. Well, there really isn't all that much to do where I live anyways so I guess it wasn't extremely bad, from my perspective anyway.
     But anywho I have studying and stuff to do so hopefully I'll be back soon!

1 comment:

  1. dry spell from nov. 17 until jan. 23. not too bad. at least you bounced back. and the weather last night and this morning was -43 degrees celcius. you were only off a tad.
