
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Boondock Saints and Birthday Mail

So I just got a letter from my mom without a return address and we were both wondering who it could've been from. So I tear it open and find this:
So I'm like "Oh how nice, someone sent me a birthday card!"
Then i flip it open to see who sent it and I see this:
And I'm like "Ooooookaaaaaaay, what the heck is Team LC and who are Rachel, Emily, Justin, and Diana?"
So I rack my brain for a bit to try and figure out who these people could possibly be, but I don't recall anyone that might send a card like this. I come up with the idea to flip it over to see if anything else is written:
This makes me literally facepalm. I mean seriously, a college that sends a birthday card. It's nice and all, but a tad corny and I'm not even considering going to college (university for me hopefully). And I don't even remember giving them my birthday, it must have been from one of their people visiting our school way back at the beginning of the year.

On the other hand my day was significally improved when I saw this following photo.
Boondock Saints FTW! Twilight/Edward FTL!
I adore this photo, it just makes my love for Sean Flanery (Conner MacManus) and Norman Reedus (Murphy MacManus) that much stronger. <3

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Just Lost a Part of Myself

But it was just my hair, and that grows back. :P Had you there for a moment didn't I. I bet you thought I was going all serious on you. However that is not to be. Anyways, just a quick update because I said I would post pictures of my new do.
So there's the before and after look. I cut it all off in my annual summer haircut frenzy, because my hair is waaaaaaaaay too hot in the summer if I leave it long. Plus this way I don't have to use as much shampoo. Also, in the after pic my hair looks more straight, but that's just because the hairdresser did it. If I leave my hair natural it looks more curly.

On a more unrelated note I have recently come to terms with the fact that I have a strange attraction to androgynous looking people. I just really like when a girl can pass for a guy and a guy can pass for a girl or when you see someone and you can't really tell if they're either one.

Pop quiz: Which of these are guys and which are girls?

It probably stems from my reading manga all the time and listening to visual kei jrock bands. It has corrupted my mind! >_< I mean, not that it's a bad thing to like androgynous people or anything.

More than just the looks though, it really interests me when people don't indentify themselves as a girl or a guy, that they could look either way and not care about it at all. That sort of mentality fascinates me. I wonder if in the future that's how everyone will be, sort of genderless beings or something. That could be interesting.

Friday, May 20, 2011

*Is a Ninja*

Yes, today I think I deserve to say that I'm a ninja, or I've at least gotten one step closer to being one. I took this course at my school called Instincts and it was all about how women can protect themselves and get away from assalt situations. It was pretty interesting for the most part (though I don't think some of the other girls were enjoying it as much as me). I learned a bunch of useful techniques to get out of an attacker's hold, both physical moves and vocal techniques. The best part by far though, would definitely be at the end when they all let us break a wood board in half with our fists! It was actually pretty easy to do, and I mean how many people can go around saying that they did something like that. :)

On a side note, my room is (finally) almost clean. I have a few drawers left to clean out and then I'll be done. Unfortunately it will have to wait until tuesday at least because I am in T Bay for the long weekend.

P.S. I booked a hair appointment for tomorrow so hopefully I'll have super short hair by this time tomorrow! If I feel like it I may post before an after pictures once I get it done.

P.P.S. The weather has been FANTASTIC lately soI hope it stays the same, but the forcast doesn't look all that good. I even heard my parents mention the "s" word...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spring is in the air....

Spring is here again. The sun is shining bright, the temperatures seem almost too good to be true *knocks on wood* and the flowers are blooming. But spring isn't the only thing in the air, there's quite a bit of dust as well. Yes, I have started my annual spring cleaning of my room and I must say, I should probably do this more than once a year! There is so much dust it's crazy. But I'm making good progress, my room is about half done now so hopefully it wont take too much longer.

Happy spring cleaning everyone!