So I just got a letter from my mom without a return address and we were both wondering who it could've been from. So I tear it open and find this:
So I'm like "Oh how nice, someone sent me a birthday card!"
Then i flip it open to see who sent it and I see this:
And I'm like "Ooooookaaaaaaay, what the heck is Team LC and who are Rachel, Emily, Justin, and Diana?"
So I rack my brain for a bit to try and figure out who these people could possibly be, but I don't recall anyone that might send a card like this. I come up with the idea to flip it over to see if anything else is written:
This makes me literally facepalm. I mean seriously, a college that sends a birthday card. It's nice and all, but a tad corny and I'm not even considering going to college (university for me hopefully). And I don't even remember giving them my birthday, it must have been from one of their people visiting our school way back at the beginning of the year.
On the other hand my day was significally improved when I saw this following photo.
Boondock Saints FTW! Twilight/Edward FTL!
I adore this photo, it just makes my love for Sean Flanery (Conner MacManus) and Norman Reedus (Murphy MacManus) that much stronger. <3