So there's the before and after look. I cut it all off in my annual summer haircut frenzy, because my hair is waaaaaaaaay too hot in the summer if I leave it long. Plus this way I don't have to use as much shampoo. Also, in the after pic my hair looks more straight, but that's just because the hairdresser did it. If I leave my hair natural it looks more curly.
On a more unrelated note I have recently come to terms with the fact that I have a strange attraction to androgynous looking people. I just really like when a girl can pass for a guy and a guy can pass for a girl or when you see someone and you can't really tell if they're either one.
Pop quiz: Which of these are guys and which are girls?
It probably stems from my reading manga all the time and listening to visual kei jrock bands. It has corrupted my mind! >_< I mean, not that it's a bad thing to like androgynous people or anything.
More than just the looks though, it really interests me when people don't indentify themselves as a girl or a guy, that they could look either way and not care about it at all. That sort of mentality fascinates me. I wonder if in the future that's how everyone will be, sort of genderless beings or something. That could be interesting.
cant just tell me the answers straight out can you. so i guess, from top to bottom, girl, girl, boy. and i CANT WAIT to see you new hair. you just had to get yours cut before mine :p me and my procrastinating :p